a tool for transcending Jewish trauma
Welcome. You are invited to take a breath.
By engaging with the map and writings on this website, you are entering a portal of healing.
The resources offered here directly address the personal, collective, and ancestral trauma and internalized oppression of assimilated, white Ashkenazi Jews living in the U.S., with the intention of healing and transforming our Jewish institutions, organizations, congregations, and communities.
These tools themselves do not heal. The healing comes through our exploration of the trauma we’ve experienced, the trauma we’ve inherited, and the ways we enact this suffering on ourselves and one another as a result.
And the healing comes through our commitment to envision and practice ways of existing beyond oppression, transcending our suffering, and embodying liberation.
This resource is an offering of love, determination, vulnerability, guidance, and faith.
Please share this tool. Please hold one another. We are meant to do this together.